My very good friend recently went to visit his folks in Florida; the peninsula that time forgot. His folks are in the mid-90s and are staunch Eisenhower Republicans. His parents are also my dear friends and have been since time immemorial. How does a progressive maintain a friendly relationship with a GOP devotee?
You match ignorance with obliviousness. For the sake of courtesy and despair that they will never change their minds.
My friend, a Marine Corp vet, ignores all news and commentary during his visits. He enters the Cone of Silence, the Bubble of Isolation. His parents oblige his apostasy from their political faith by remaining silent on the subject. However, on occasion, someone in earshot blurts out a talking point which is a signal for a litany of talking points, barbs, rhetorical questions and excoriations of socialism.
In my friend’s presence, the Fox News (sic) scripted list of exclamations ends abruptly. He takes that moment of silent discomfort to muse on the appropriate retort. Often he remains silent both from a spirit of goodwill and to avoid the pain of beating one’s head against a wall.
During dinner one evening, the image of Trump appeared on the ubiquitous TV tuned to Faux Gnus, as is all too common in Florida.
(Nota bene: Televisions showing Fox Noose are ubiquitous in Florida, perhaps there’s a local ordinance...)
In response (ding-ding!) an elderly male diner proclaimed that ‘Trump was a warrior!’ and lamented that Biden was not up to the task of meeting Putin. With the name of Trump being invoked, ripples of approving mutters spread round the table.
My friend was gobsmacked that these people actually and truly believed that Trump, the draft-dodging, bone-spur claiming twat-waffle was a ‘warrior’. My friend was a warrior (Semper Fi!) He fought the fight that Trump wimped out of by getting his rich-daddy to pay a doctor to falsify the Donald’s medical records.
This is what we’re up against; a segment of the population who believe - heart and soul – that Trump is a savior, sent by ‘god’... or is part of the ‘godhead’.
Father, Son and Holy Trump, the Warrior POTUS.