Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Ineptitude as Racism

I’ve been working on this theory for awhile – chalk it up to conspiracy-theoritis but here goes – it’s about why the Drumpfenator is screwing the pooch so badly on the coronavirus.
Simple ineptitude suffices as an answer
except for the missing self-preservation angle.

If he'd actually simply done what the leaders of Japan, China, Germany, France, Italy, Taiwan, South Korea and New Zealand (get the picture?) did, then he would have been golden – like one of his infamous commodes.

Who could touch him? Saving the nation from the Evil Coronamonster and salvaging the economy and saving Wall Street at the same time! It doesn’t come close to catching speeding bullets in his bare hands but it would do to win an election

So… WTF?
Why is he muffing this so big time? He’s fecking Bill Buckner booting the ball. 

144,000 dead, fercrissakes. 

And he’s babbling about tests causing viral infection and low water pressure in appliances.
Insanity, then, would also would fit the bill as the reason for this fiasco of negligent genocide.

So, I should be satisfied with a double-edged Occam’s Razor and walk away now… and you should, too… but…

What if Drumpf is both inept and insane? (That’s pretty much a gimme as far as I’m concerned.)
He’d be right easy to bamboozle wouldn’t he? As long as his secret world of ‘A-Big Brain-Donald’ wasn’t disturbed in his disturbed ‘best brain’ then one should be able pull off such a bamboozlement quite readily.

What I’m half-heartedly proposing is this:

What if, Stephen Miller, house fascist, and Bill Barr, of the missing ethics, and Pompeo of the righteous pomposity were to warp Mr Donald’s ineptitude in such a way that those of certain melanically predisposed demographic would be more adversely effected than those who were melanin challenged? 
The point being skirted is that COVID-19 has a more devastating effect on people of color.

If those minorities of color (and the poor generally) were to die off at a ratio that would possibly restore the previous racial balance which these shit-heels call the ‘good ol’ days’, these three racist arsewipes might very well refrain from trying to steer Donald away from being a total wanker.

That’s basically all that they would have to do – nothing.
Nothing but allow tens of thousands of people die unnecessarily.
I, for one, am inclined to bet on the low moral character of Miller, Barr and Pompeo. Would they consider such monstrous evil? Yes, I do contend that they would.
Mix in the vile influence of registered Nazi, Sebastian Gorka, and the conspiracy of hands-off evil is made manifest.

(The invasion and occupation of Portland by Barr’s Brown Shirts enters into this, as well…)
The salve I have for these fits of conspiracy-theoritis is that the aforementioned toss-pots are too fecked up to even be that evil.
Cold comfort, that.

Post Script:
It must be stated that this strategy of fear and paramilitary repression is NOT part of over-arching, master game plan by Drumpf.
It is most assuredly not.
It's doubtful that the Drumpfen-dork has ever been capable of such strategizing. Drumpf can recognize an elephant on a cognitive test, but Drumpf doesn’t even see the proverbial elephant in the room: the devastation of the pandemic as it roars around him let alone a broader vision of affairs. Drumpf’s ability to construct stratagem such as what is outlined here is beyond him.

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