Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Drumpf's Plandemic?


Has it occurred to anyone else that the GOP plan to address poverty is to eliminate the poor by attrition? The pandemic has provided them the opportunity to accelerate the pace. 


COVID-19 has a higher morbidity rate amongst people of color. This indicated that the poor are at higher risk generally because of several factors: living in closer quarters with more people, less access to health care, working low-paying jobs in the service industry resulting in contact with more people and a higher chance of infection. Moreover, low-paying jobs are also less secure, less stable, provide no paid days off, no sick leave health insurance, no unemployment insurance and no PPE. 

The GOP has stood in obstruction of any sensible economic program presented by the Democrats. The GOP reluctantly passed feeble, short-term aid. Mitch has fulfilled his self-pronounced role as Grim Reaper, letting all legislation die on his desk. Those moribund bills include the House proposal, the Heroes Act - passed in May! - for a second economic aid package which would and provide some solutions to the current economic and health crises.

Yet, Mitch and the GOP chose to railroad through an unwanted, unqualified nomination to the Supreme Court rather than deal with the Democrats faithfully. Drumpf stood on the side-lines, incapable of leadership or unwilling to lead and did nothing as the executive officer but whinge about his ratings.

Taken together, I conclude that the neither the GOP nor the president wish to solve the problems facing Americans. It’s the old ‘sink-or-swim’ mentality embraced by the GOP. 


Poverty is a personal failure in their decrepit credo. In their world, one is poor because one does not strive. One is poor because of a character flaw. The poor are poor because they lack the desire to succeed, as Drump’s son-in-law, Jared the mannequin, has proclaimed. Utter nonsense - as anyone who has ever been poor will attest.

These are dark thoughts, true, but ones that fits the facts and fits the history of the GOP and the Orange Ogre-in-chief. In their fascist, racist minds, the Poor are a blight and the pandemic provides a means to eliminate the problem of poverty by eliminating the poor.

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