It really raises lots of Questions. (See what I did there?)
It’s not so much intriguing as it is perplexing to those of us on the outside.
Although the MMS and the lib-tard talking heads like to call the QAnon followers stupid and ignorant, they must be, on the contrary, quite bright and studious. I mean my head fairly reels trying to keep track of all the conspiracies.
For example; a pedophile ring headquartered in the basement of a pizza parlor that has no basement. Really astounding! (Is there a star-gate or something to a Satanic universe involved?)
Or the idea that a guy, JFK, Jr, was murdered in a plane crash by the Clintons but is still alive and working for Q? Is there a handbook or something which settles some of these basics? A sort of ‘Q for Dummies’, or something?
To be honest, watching YouTube videos and trolling 4-channel isn’t really my thing. Perhaps it is a case of my being of an earlier generation which read books. My brain is woefully addicted to facts, sad to say. I get off on reading foot-notes and perusing indexes, glossaries, lists of dramatis personae, so a hand-book would be right up my alley. It could be in a proprietary cypher, of course, like the writings of Nostradamus.
Just an idea – I’m spit-balling.
Another question niggling at my lib-tard brain is one that is a bit more... pedestrian. I hesitate to ask as it is rather crass, but here goes:
I was delighted to see that Q-Anon (Am I saying that correctly? I’d hate to make a faux pas like Qevin McCarthy did the other day on camera…)
Anyway, Q-followers have meetings. How delightful! The camaraderie and sense of community was clearly in evidence. I particularly liked the guitar sing-along towards the end of the meeting.
‘Where we Go One, We Go All!
Brilliant! Very stirring!
That leads me (at last) to my crass question:
When you all go out for lunch, how
do you split the check? Is it all ‘even-steven’ or strictly ‘dutch’? Or
is the bill picked up by Q? Maybe special Q credit cards?
I ask because when BLM or Antifa or #metoo meet, George Soros picks up the tab, as you know. That takes a bit of the bother out of planning Marxist anarchy, you see, although I do envy your sing-alongs.
In-Quiring minds want to know!
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