Saturday, March 6, 2021

Really? Potatohead? Earth calling GOP...


Potatohead?  Really?

This is the number one issue for Republicans during a pandemic, at the beginning stages of a new executive administration as crucial legislation regarding pandemic relief and voter suppression awaits House and Senate votes and following an armed, murderous insurrection?

Not the neo-fascist deification of Supremo Orange-o at the QPAC Conspiracy Seminar at the Orlando, Hyatt?

Nor the raging vaccination disaster master-minded by Governor Ron ‘Doofus’ DiSantis in the host state of Florida ?

Not the Golden Calf, Mexican-made effigy of the Former Guy at said White Nationalist convention?

Not the celebrity status of QAnon adepts, Marjorie Taylor-Greene and her pistol-packing side-kick, Lauren Opal Boebert? 

Not the gross and hideous display of poor taste and poor delivery exhibited by Cancun Ted? 

Not the vainglorious clamor of the attendees for the outright, specious and oft-repeated lies pronounced by the Chosen Orange One? Nor, indeed, the lies themselves which serve to undermine our Republic, the Constitution and the very concept of the Rule of Law?


Got nothing for any of that but the re-gendering of a plastic toy everyone had forgotten about until a feature-length cartoon series resurrected it gets your goat, does it?

It is good to know that the opposition party has its eye on the prize.

Who said irony is dead?


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