Friday, April 9, 2021

The Flood Gaetz Are Open


Schadenfreude. It’s one of those ten dollar words that sophisticated people like to pepper their conversations with.

Schadenfreude is that feeling of joy brought on by the problems of others. (Yes, it’s a real thing and wouldn’t you know that the Germans would have a term for it?)

Slap-stick comedy evokes schadenfreude. Watching Buster Keaton or Charlie Chaplin pratfall and wince in pain is hilarious, after all. That’s what I’ve been experiencing every day of late; schadenfreude. The mirth which has infused my spirit is the deep doo-doo that Gaetz and The Former Guy find themselves in recently.

It is to laugh! And I do. Reference Gaetz-gaete and gales of laughter cause my wife to be concerned for my sanity. Mention money-bomb, ‘Winred’ and MAGA-minions being fleeced by the Orange One and mad chortling ensues every time.

It must be pointed out that my schadenfreude is tempered with anger, frustration and incredulity. Where the anger comes from should be known to all who resisted the presidency of Ol’ 45. The frustration stems from the glacial pace of the judicial system. The incredulity is in response to the number of MAGA-goofs who persist in putting their confidence in a Confidence Man; who actually give money to a self-proclaimed ga-zillionaire.

(That triumvirate of reaction is triggered by the Derek Chauvin trial, too, but that is another story…)

Gaetz Gaete has been a joy to watch unfold. It’s a bit like watching an origami master in reverse but finding out that that the craft which made the paper unicorn was a spurious one involving scissors and a kind of salacious glue.  And Little Matty’s world is, indeed, coming unglued.

My wife should anticipate more howls of laughter when the Man from Mar-A-Lago is swept away in a tidal wave of indictments. 


Fade to:

Bill Barr.

If the thought; ’The most corrupt AG in recent memory…’ leaps to mind, you’re not alone.

Barr’s departure from legalistic norms is well-known and well-documented. Barr interfered with prosecutions, prioritized politics over justice, undermined the Russian interference in the 2016 election and hindered congressional oversight. Moreover, he declared that all investigations of politicians would go directly through him; that way he could protect the Former Guy’s sycophants and pillory political enemies.

In that context, consider this: Barr’s office began investigation in late 2020 into a certain Matt Gaetz. The most corrupt AG since John Mitchell could not or would not side-step an FBI inquiry into the affairs of Mr Gaetz.

That is how bad this is. Barr could dismiss Russian election interference, ignore more than a score of credible accusations of sexual assault against the Orange One, stand aside and allow all of the depredations of 45’s administration; graft, corruption, violations of the Hatch Act, and so on. What Barr could not do was shuffle the FBI investigation into Matt Gaetz to the bottom of the ‘to-do’ list at Justice.

Caveat: Charges against Mr Gaetz have, as yet, not been brought. (tick-tock...) He has denied any wrong-doing by pleading in true GOP-fashion that he’s a victim of ‘cancel culture’, blah-blah-blah.

That Gaetz petitioned the Former Guy for a blanket pardon does not bode well for him, either. It must be noted that even the ethically and legalistically unhinged advisors to the Orange Doofus would not consider broaching the idea of a pardon for the young Congressman to the Grifter-in-chief. Gaetz’s steadfast loyalty to the Man from Mar-A-Lago didn’t enter into it.

It must be assumed that Gaetz was too toxic for either Barr or 45. There is much more to come.

 Gaetz-Gaete Update:
Joel Greenberg - nobody's favorite tax-collector and Matt's good buddy in crime (allegedly...) has decided to flip on the Florida Congressman in hopes to get a deal from federal prosecutors. Hoo-boy, this should be good. Stay tuned.

Update of the Gaetz-Gaete update:
Republican maverick, Adam Kissinger, has called for Matty to resign.



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