Friday, October 8, 2021


Video has revealed that the January 6th attackers bee-lined to the four exceptionally weak points of the Capitol Building.

(Nota bene – After 9-11, the Capitol Building was fortified and reinforced; first the windows and glass doors were laminated with a translucent coating of Kevlar. Later, most of the same windows and doors were more solidly, structurally fortified to hold up to truck bombs and the like. However, two windows and two glass doors were not strengthened in this way because they were deemed to be ‘tucked away’ and probably not subject to the force of the blast from a truck bomb.)

As it turns out, it was to these vulnerable windows that the seditious militia members made a bee-line.  After three tries, (with fist, then pole, then stolen police shield) the rioters smashed the first window and slithered through it to wreak havoc. All of this was captured on video; much of it – the smashing of the windows   and the unlawful entry – has been seen hundreds of times on MSM. 

Moreover, it has generally been known that the leaders of the assault obviously had detailed maps of the Capitol by which to plan and execute their assault.  Conjecture of complicit Congressmembers such as Lauren Boebert is rampant but as yet unverified; feasible and likely but, as yet, uncorroborated. The Select Committee has issued subpoenas in that regard.

Thus far, sentences for the Jan. 6th insurrectionists have been perceived as pathetic slaps on the wrist. However, when the Select Committee hears testimony that these mutherfeckers were primed with the information about which windows they could smash, penalties for their treasonous behavior should drastically increase. Right now, it seems the courts and the prosecutors are accepting the tall tale that rioters were 'swept up' in the emotions of the day. 

This is utter Trumpian twaddle.

It is evident to most on the Left that the January 6th attack was planned and the Capitol Building scouted and reconnoitered beforehand. 

The most important questions that the Committee must ask are; ‘Who planned the attack?’ and ‘Who facilitated the attack?’.



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