Friday, December 10, 2021

The Insane Right


                                                                The Brain Trust

The 'Insane Right', exemplified by MTG, Boebert, Gosar and Gohmert, must be nullified. They are the replicating tumors that have metastasized with the cancerous growth of the MAGA-cult. They and their psychotic, ignorant ilk must not be allowed to take control of the House or the Senate in 2022 or in 2024. This is not simply a matter of loyalty to the Democratic party or the ‘liberal’ agenda.

Full disclosure: I am not a staunch Democrat. I do not adhere blindly to the policies of either major party. True, I have voted Democratic. I have also voted Republican. And I have voted Libertarian, as well. No party has a lock on what is proper, right and ethical. Obama was not perfect. Neither was JFK or FDR for that matter. The less said about Nixon, Reagan and either Bush, the better.

However, when confronted with the sheer lunacy and ignorance of the ‘Alt-right’, considerations of loyalty to a political party must be set aside. There can be no middle ground reached with those who have slipped the bonds of sanity. There can be no compromise with the insane without becoming insane oneself in the process of appeasement.

One cannot accept as fact that ‘up is down’ without losing one’s sense of direction. One cannot give credence to the blather of Marjorie Taylor Greene without tacitly acknowledging ‘Jewish Space Lasers’ as fact or that cancer is contagious or that Dr Anthony Fauci is on par with a monster like Dr Mengele.

While it is most troubling that a substantial number of MAGA-landers have accepted the blithering of Trump, MTG, Gosart, et al. as truth, we must maintain our own, grounded, world view; one which takes medical science seriously and holds the ludicrous nonsense of the MAGA-view (e.g. the Big Lie) as a despicable, woeful departure from reality.

Nullifying the psychotic gibberish of Trump-landers is a step that must be taken. The alternative is unthinkable: the end of the American Experiment.


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