Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Barr and Jan 6


 The obvious and pronounced reason for the televised January 6th Committee is to gin up the public, make them aware, enlightened, entertained and pissed. The sessions are not primarily to educate the vast majority of the primary and secondary viewing public.

MAGA-dolts donated about $250,000.00 ($25 million!) to what they (in their addled brain-pans) was a ‘worthy cause’: ‘Save America!’.  Not only could they send thoughts and prayers, they could send their hard-earned money. Predictably (for those paying attention), instead, the needed trip to the dentist went into the grimy, fingered coffers of Donald J. Trump, Conman.

That should raise some MAGA-hackles. It should. They may blame Joe for inflation but reminding them on the TV that the Orange Scrounger made off with half a car payment is a very finessed move. Don the Con gets revealed as the louse he is. On the telly. And on repeat! 

That the money to ‘Save America’ would squandered on aught else but Trump perquisites should have been both obvious and expected. With the second televised hearing, that simple, fundamental fact of Trump-land – that all was for the greater glory of the Grand Persimmon and feck everybody else - was made clearly evident.

Kimberly Guilfoyle getting $60,00 for a 3-minute speech introducing El Grifto at the Rally prior to the Insurrection should make some MAGA-folks miffed at the former Scamster-in-chief and his crew of wanna-be douche nozzles. (One wonders if she got paid by the word…? $20K a minute to scream some version of her tag line seems extreme even for a former Fox regular.  Would Kilmeade have gotten that much? Or Hannity?)

As for the douche-nozzle ‘B’ team; Jason Miller had to have a filthy hand in the dissemination of ‘Stop the Steal’ missives. That little scanky merkin replacing his missing chin will not save him from prosecution. He undoubtedly signed a deal with the DOJ. The smart ones do. 

Trump’s last campaign manager, Bill Stepien, has most assuredly cut a deal for testimony. The opportune breeching of his child spared him from a ‘perp-walk’ into Committee Chambers, but his video-ed testimony, with this lawyer by his side, bland and hesitant as it was, verified the more candid remarks from the former AG, Barr.

One might be inclined to give an appreciative nod to Bill Barr for throwing The Donald so colorfully under the bus. We must take measures not to lionize this pole-cat. Barr is the under-handed arsehole who scuttled the Mueller Report, recall. He made like a Romanian gymnast in bending over for Trump and warped the rule of law to serve the Orange Monstrosity. He has done the good guys a favor with his colorful language but one must conclude that it was to save his own fat back-side. 

Hopefully, Barr’s apostasy will induce other MAGA-muddle-heads to break ranks with ‘El Trumpissimo’. That the damn has burst and the wall fallen may seem too Pollyanna, but considering Ivanka Trump sided with Barr against dear-ol’ dad… That speaks volumes.

Kevin, listen up!

This article is meant to go towards answering the dissatisfied clamor over what is perceived as Merrick Garland’s inaction.  The DOJ ain’t going anywhere and neither are Trump’s crimes.

The aim of the televised committee hearings is this;

First, get the more peripheral MAGA-folks riled up enough to turn against Donald Trump.

Second; present clear facts of criminality for those who have been paying attention all along.

Third, prosecutorial referrals fall like cleansing rain on the seditionists.

Stay tuned.

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