Showing posts with label Congress. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Congress. Show all posts

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Bacevich's Second Principle to Abate Militarism

“… revitalize the concept of the separation of powers. Here is the second principle with the potential to reduce the hazards by the new American militarism.”
“In all but a very few cases, the impetus for expanding America’s security perimeter has come from the executive branch.” “The result, especially in evidence since the end of World War II, has been to eviscerate Article 1, Section 8, Clause 11 of the Constitution, which in the plainest language confers on Congress the power “To declare War”.”

Friday, August 1, 2008

The House Judiciary Committee votes 20-14 to hold Karl Rove in of Congress1

After repeatedly ignoring a Congressional subpoena and refusing to appear before the House Judiciary Committee, the Committees voted 20-14 to present a resolution of Contempt of Congress against the ‘master-mind’ of the Bush administrations.

The decision by the House Judiciary Committee to hold Karl Rove in contempt of Congress is a recommendation to the full House of Representatives, who can now vote to adopt the recommendation with a contempt resolution by a simple majority vote. Should they pass the contempt resolution, the Sergeant-at-Arms for the chamber would be ordered to arrest Karl Rove and bring him to the floor of the House to answer to the charges and to be issued punishment. The case would then be referred to the U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia, who would in turn refer it to a grand jury. If convicted, Rove could face between one month and one year in jail.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Karl Roves Gets a Taste of Democracy in Action

DES MOINES, Iowa (Reuters) - On Friday four American citizens attempted to make a “citizens arrest” of Karl Rove, former top aide to President George W. Bush. They were arrested themselves, instead. Rove, one of the recognized members of the Neo-Con ‘brain-trust’, has thumbed his nose at a Congressional subpoena by repeatedly refusing to appear before the committee. Rove left the country the very day of his second scheduled appearance and did not have the common courtesy to notify the committee of his intentions. Contempt of Congress and and issuance of a warrant for his arrest is being considered by the committee.

“It should be Karl Rove in that van. (the paddy-wagon) War Criminal!” one of a dozen protesters shouted as the four were put into a police van outside a Des Moines country club where Rove spoke at a private state Republican party fundraiser.

Chet Guinn, a retired Methodist Minister, was among those led away.

“To be silent when major crimes are being committed against all humanity makes us accomplices,” Gwinn told reporters just before his arrest, which took place when protesters stepped past the gate to the private country club.

Such is the price of fighting for the Republic.