Saturday, May 22, 2021

Citizenship - such a chore...


Here's what citizenship is all about.

We know how the MAGA-loonies and QAnon ninnies respond to the slightest imposition on their delusions by the realities demanded by citizenship. They not only balk but shake their heads and stalk around befuddled by the suggested imposition.

’Mah freedom!’, they belch on cue.

‘Wearing a mask (or fill the blank) is a violation of my Rah-ahts.’

As if their rights weren’t under girded and founded upon obligations.

Want to be a citizen? Act like one. 

Don’t grouse when you’re called for jury duty. You want a fair judicial system? That’s the price; your involvement.

Want free and fair elections? Register to vote and beat the bushes to get others registered.

Want to be COVID free and back to doing whatever you were doing pre-pandemic?

Wear a damn mask!

And get the jab! As many as are prescribed. 

This is the requirement of citizenship.

Duty. Responsibility. Obligation.

I don’t want to sound like a Marine Corp recruiter but these are the fundamentals which many of the MAGA/GQP crew seemed to have failed to pick up on.

It’s not about skin color or place of origin or nation costume or native language. It’s about acting like a citizen and shouldering the load when it’s your turn.

Noam Chomsky once pointed out that the most joyous day of a citizen’s year should be Tax Day. (whoa!) He reasoned that paying one’s taxes was an expression of one’s commitment to the system of government and the down-payment on the benefits of that government of the people, by the people and for the people.

Where does that leave the fabulously wealthy who tuck their bundle in a post box in the Caymans? Or any of us who grumble about taxes, for that matter.


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