Thursday, August 9, 2018

Hair Today; Goon Tomorrow

I got to ask once more...
How much time (and money, our money) does Drumpf spend every day getting and keeping that impossible gravity-defying hyper-comb-over in place every day? He must have a team of hair-dressers and make-up people working in shifts, hovering around in case there's an errant breeze is sent by his enemies to un-coif him.
Damn Obama and his Soros financed breezes.
It's pathetic - Drumpf's security blanket is his ridiculous hair. He's an insufferably conceited, arrogant Linus who wears his Binky on his head.

Calling out to some intrepid and hungry journalist - go after this story.
It's been pooh-poohed as a trifle
since the campaign; Trump's hair, LOL!
Meme of the day.
We shall over-comb, wombat-wearing cheeto bit of dismissive banter.
There is a story here. How big depends on how much and how many?
How many people are employed by the White House to service Donald Trump's personal appearance?
He's vain beyond the imagining.
Narcissus would envy him his vanity.

How does the size of the staff assigned to 'The Donald's' look compare with other presidents of the modern era? I would surmise that it compares to Reagan's. The size of Reagan's staff (pun intended) was the benchmark used, no doubt.
St Ronnie was a show-biz construct, like Drumpfen-putz, but less narcissistic.
He was nuts.
But Ronnie wasn't on the level of self-adulation which Donald shares with no one.

That fact established, then, how many people would he hire on the public's dime to tend to his 'do and his spray-on virility?

How much money is spent every day on the staff salary, transportation, office space, appliances, supplies, remedies, perhaps even heart-attack hair pieces...?

Whoever decides to follow this with investigation journalistic vigor, could write is as comic piece. Ha-ha You thought his golf outings were a drain on the budget? Take a look at this scandal.
It's hair-raising!

Monday, August 6, 2018

Lying 101

There are two basic ways of telling a lie. The first, most basic is to invent a story that is learned by rote and recited by all participants in the lie. Nothing changes in the false narrative; it is boiler-plate and iron-clad - simple direct and stubbornly adhered to by the conspiracy of liars.

The second method of perpetrating a lie is to start with the boiler-plate but, when continued inquiry proves the lie less than substantial, the false narrative must change to address the unforeseen hole in the story. This is the proverbial 'can of worms'; the lie must be continually changing as the enquiry becomes more demanding of details not covered in the previous lies.

We have witnessed both of these variants utilized by Trump and his minions regarding the Trump Tower meeting with Russian agents in 2016.

It matters not a whit how the false narrative morphs. The matter of importance is that the narrative as presented by Trump and his family is a false one. 
The president lied. 
His son lied. 
His son-in-law lied. 
His campaign manager lied.
The White House spokesperson lied and they all continue to lie, prevaricate, obfuscate, dissemble, deflect and utilize all of the tactics of lying.
If conspiracy against the USA with a foreign adversary is not considered a 'high crime and misdemeanor' then, what is?

Protect the Mueller investigation.
Protect Rod Rosenstein.
Impeach the president.

Monday, July 30, 2018

Junior's Tale

All this palaver about whether Drumpfen Sr knew about the Russia Trump Tower Meeting....
Of course he knew.
Steve Bannon told us that on his way out the door.

My money is on Drumpf the Elder fricking initiating the meeting itself. That's what he does. He manages things.
He couldn't handle it himself, of course; he made sure to keep a couple of layers of insulation between him and the 'deed'. (One of the invaluable lessons learned from Roy Cohn - (spit when you say his name), no doubt.)
Sessions, Bannon, Papadopoulos, Cohen... somebody...

The Senior Putz handed it off to Don Jr and sent Manafort and Kushner there to chaperone. 'The Donald' would never let 'the Junior' handle it himself.  Not a bright a bulb...
The reason for the meeting as discussed in the email revealed by Don Jr's in an attempt at 'transparency' was to pass along dirt on HRC. Don Jr declared his love of it, so moved was he. 
However, when the topic of adoption was brought up the meeting fizzled and ended, according to Junior Drumpfen-yutz.

Horse-feathers and codswallop.

Adoption was the flimsy cover that Don Jr gave for the meeting. This was the nothing-burger he couldn't bother to bother his Old Man about.

'Adoption' - pfft!...
Russians and adoptions - a double pfft!

That feeble excuse - dictated by the senior Drumpfen-klod, so it is said  - offers an insight into the musty mind of Don Jr and his Old Man.

But first, a digression into the glimmer of truth that lies at the heart of the first lie about the Russian Meeting.

The Russians probably did talk about adoptions... (a-ha!) but only in the context of the Magnitsky Act. (huh!?)
The Magnitsky Act was a bi-partisan bill passed in 2012 (when the world was young...). It authorizes gov't sanctions against violators of human rights. It targets 18 individuals: highly placed people in gov't and industry - most of them Russians with a few Nicaraguans tossed in.
In response to the Magnitsky Act, the Kremlin denied the adoption of Russian children by Americans.
This was the adoption portion of the meeting's agenda. The flicker of truth that gave sparkle to the lie.

Don Jr scoffed his most derisive and oft-practiced scoff on Hannity's program about the meeting being a nothing burger.
'Adoptions'... of all things!
What a waste of time for the Son of the Donald!
Here he was expecting dirt on HRC and he gets a come-on and a sob-story about adoption!
'Adoptions', as if...! if to say 'who cares about orphans and namby-pamby stuff like that?'.
Who cares about kids getting families and families getting kids?
Certainly not a pampered wanna-be tough guy like Don Jr... that's for sure.

Here he was all revved up to hear about Hillary's midnight cravings for pickles and hot sauce or her private Blackberry account and the Russians come up with nothing better than adoption? Kids?  Without parents?
Now, I'm not a psychologist, but I have wanted to play one on TV.
This is what I would call a lack of empathy.

Sociopathic behavior.
On top of the lies, (and lies and lies and lies, and...)

Bottom-line; Drumpf knew about all of it. How could he direct it otherwise?