Friday, May 4, 2018

Put Me In, Coach! (or, Rudy's Secret Game-saving Play)

Rudy & Sean in happier times...
...before the interview.

Rudy Giuliani is back on the scene and snarling mean... frothing at the mouth with determination to clamber back on to the public stage. He's been watching his senior years slip away while doing a pee-pee dance of anxiety in the wings. Now, he's off the Xanax and on fricking 'Hannity'. 

Rudy is back, baby! 

(Cue the 'New York, New York' theme-music)

Back on TV! Back on Fox! Back on frickin' Hannity!
Momma, do you know what this means?
Your Boy is Back!
America's Mayor! Back!
Mr New York Gang-busting Prosecutor! Back!

(Cue the curtain)

Thoughts  swarm in little Rudy's mind about reviving his presidential campaign; his 'Should Rudy Run?' PAC, his chance to replace Pence as court stooge, his renewed shot at Chief of Staff or Office of Legal Counsel or presidential coffee boy.
Rudy's proud, but if he can get his foot in the door, the sky's the limit!

'Tomorrow! Tomorrow! I love ya, Tomorrow...'

(Cue the follow-spot)

...and then, oops!
Counter-indications of the symptoms of Lime-light Disease crept in, and surged forth in full display.

"Sorry, I'm giving you fact now that you don't know...", blathers Rudy, englamoured by the roar of the greasepaint, the smell of the crowd, the hot studio lights, the glare from Hannity's fore-head...

(Cue the Jaws theme)

Rudy couldn't wait to give Sean a bomb-shell 'scoop' and flabbergast Hannity on air! What a coup that would be! Hannity would be forever grateful and Rudy, 'His-zonner', America's Mayor, would be back once more skipping along the yellow-brick Road to Oz as would be righteous and just!

Then, speaking in a voice unlike his own, he blunders on, lunging for the foot-lights, imagining a goal-line, heedless of the orchestra pit, invigorated by the quest for the spot-light, he blathers his ill-considered revelation at stage edge...

(Cue the pin-spot)

GIULIANI: Having something to do with paying some Stormy Daniels woman $130,000? Which, I mean, is going to turn out to be perfectly legal. That money was not campaign money. Sorry, I’m giving you a fact now that you don’t know. It’s not campaign money. No campaign finance violation.
HANNITY: They funneled it through a law firm.
GIULIANI: They funneled through a law firm, and the president repaid it.
HANNITY: Oh. I didn’t know that. He did?
HANNITY: There’s no campaign finance law.
GIULIANI: Zero. Just like every... (cross-talk)
HANNITY: So this decision was made by — (cross-talk)
GIULIANI: "Sean... Sean... Everybody was nervous about this from the very beginning. I wasn’t. I knew how much money Donald Trump put into that campaign, and I said, “$130,000? He could do a couple of checks for $130,000.”
When I heard of Cohen’s retainer of $35,000, he was doing no work for the president. I said, “Well, that’s how he’s repaying it, with a little profit and a little margin for paying taxes for Michael."
HANNITY: "But you know the president didn’t know about this?"
GIULIANI: Ah, he didn’t know about the specifics of it, as far as I know. But he did know about the general arrangement, that Michael would take care of things like this. Like, I take care of this with my clients. I don’t burden them with every single thing that comes along. These are busy people."

(Cue the confetti and the brass band)

...and it's a standing ovation! Thunderous applause! No, he's  fallen into the pit, crushing the piccolo player and putting his foot through the bass drum.

(Cue the trombone horse-laugh)

Admittedly, Hannity was, indeed, flabbergasted. (As Trevor Noah observed, it was probably the first time that Sean had actually been confronted with journalism.)  Sean, in true Foxian manner,  has tried to polish the turd Rudy dropped on him as best he can. And Rudy has clambered back onto the stage apron from the pit and - in response to the public opprobrium following his 'Own Goal' performance - has feigned astonishment that anyone would be so low as to question the noble sentiments and intentions of the Pussy-grabber-in-chief.

Demurring in the face of media outcry, Rudy tut-tutted;
"He was trying to save his family..." 

(Cue laugh-track)

So... to recap; Drumpf's fixer/lawyer paid a porn star for her silence, in order to protect Drumpf's family from learning that he, their loving patriarch, Drumpfen-dork, had shtupped a porn star, which he had never shtupped. 

Hold on, there's more...

Drumpf re-paid his lawyer/fixer the hush money 'cuz that's just the kind of right-minded sweetheart that Drumpfen-poot is. (A saint on earth. Ask anyone.)
That was the long-standing attorney/client arrangement - Trump would step in the shite and Cohen would clean up the mess. (Drumpf's a busy man, as Rudy dutifully said. The man ain't got time to clean up his own messes.)

Rudy, the former prosecutor, assured Sean's viewer-drones that such shady, under-handed mob tactics are standard operating procedure for many attorneys. Rudy included himself proudly, boastfully in that dubious company.
(Wonder what the ABA thinks of Rudy prime-time confession...)

Furthermore, continuing the re-cap...

Knowing the way the 'Lying Media' operates, the Drumpfen-putz anticipated that the resulting feeding frenzy over this harmless bit of bother would have hurt his oh-so-sensitive family to a cruel degree. (Picture little Barron, clutching his dead hamster and watching the heartless reportage of the Lyin' Media on his tablet... Sad...)

(cue the tiny violins)

Never ready to leave well-enough alone, Rudy once more seized the chance to hoist himself on his own petard. He babbled on (and on) admitting that Drumpfen-doofus also perceived that such media coverage would most definitely hurt his campaign. 
(After all, the Trump Cult hadn't been so thoroughly indoctrinated as it is now.)

Moreover, and more importantly, in Rudy's view, a set-back in Drumpfen-dorfer's campaign would, most assuredly, have adversely affected the delicate, fragile sensibilities of the Drumpfen-clot's Crime Family, causing traumatic psychological and emotional harm. Poor things...

(cue the theme to "The Days of Our Lives")

'Q.E.D.', Rudy decrees, his foot still in the bass drum.

No Collusion...
No harm. No foul.
Dems are obstructionists.
The FBI are poo-poo-heads.
Mueller is a booger-butt.
Hillary's e-mails
Lyin' Press
Lugen Presse

"There is Just America!"
Rudy Guili-baby-ani, 2016 @ the Republican National Convention
Yes, really...

(cue the balloon drop)

Thursday, May 3, 2018

Inveterate, Incessant, Pathological

REPORT: Trump Dictated Infamous Doctor’s Letter Stating He’s Be The ‘Healthiest President In History’

..and this comes a surprise to whom? A pomegranate with a brain tumor? Your addled aunt who threw turkey dressing at you last Thanksgiving for offering a divergent opinion?

Drumpf is an inveterate, incessant, pathological liar.
Drumpf is an inveterate, incessant, pathological liar.
Drumpf is an inveterate, incessant, pathological liar.

How many times does this have to be said? 
How many times does this lying sack have to be caught flat-footed in a bold-faced lie before it is universally agreed in accepting the fact that Drumpf telling yet another lie is predetermined and inevitable. 

Nearly every typesetter (he said, showing his age) could save time by using 'Lies Again' in elephant-bold as a headline nearly every fricking day of the week.

Fer cryin' out loud!
He called Forbes magazine, lied about who he was - claiming he was 'John Baron' - and then lied about how much money he had just to get on a fricking list!

He's told so many lies - utter untruths, total fabrications, purposeful errors - GACK - so may lies just since he's been our (shudder) POTUS that the New York Times [fake news] writers David Leonhardt and Stuart A. Thompson opined 'There is simply no precedent for an American president to spend so much time telling untruths.' December 14, 2017...

It's almost become a parlor game.
Robert Young (in the role of father):
'How many Drumpf lies did you hear today. Princess?'
Elinor Donahue (in the role of Betty):
'Oh, father, I've only heard half a dozen... but he's been out on the golf course, again.'
Robert Young: 'and you Kitten? How many lies have you heard the (urp) president tell today?'
Lauren Chapin (as Kitten) 'I heard lots, Daddy, but,... they made no sense so I couldn't be-member them exactly...'
Jane Wyatt (as 'Mother'):
'That's 'remember', dear. Not 'be-member''
Billy Gray (as Bud, the son):
'Oh, yeah!? Well, feck all o' yuz. Trump is the greatest man alive and I'm running away to intern for Sean Hannity!'

..and 'scene'...
Now,back to our regularly schedule program, already in progress...

And the Wa-Po [fake news] 'Fact-checker' tabulates that as of April 30, 2018, the (gack) president has iterated a skosh over 3000 lies in his 466 days in office. 
That's 6.4399 lies per day told publicly. 

Not all of his lies are told in public, of course. He speaks with people in private, as well. So, with an average of 6.5 publicly uttered lies per day, how many lies does he tell in private? (That will make a nice topic for someone master's thesis in statistics, someday... 
if there is a someday, someday...)

And his public lies are not limited to incidental, inconsequential ones. They are not just little white lies about his weight or his blood pressure or his height. We're not talking little white lies. Drumpf lies about EVERYTHING. He even lies about making little white lies to cover little white lies.

Drumpf is an inveterate, incessant, pathological liar.
Drumpf is an inveterate, incessant, pathological liar.
Drumpf is an inveterate, incessant, pathological liar.

I wouldn't trust this schmuck to tell me the time. 
I wouldn't trust him to tell me what day it is if I'd just awaken from a coma. 
I would trust him to hold me coat if I was about to jump into the Grand Canyon. 

Never mind watch my cat or water the plants. 
Ask Drumpf to house-sit and you'd better be aware that when you get back there won't be a house for you to live in. He'll have sold it, burned it down for insurance or squatted and taken up residency with a restraining order against your re-entry.

So, get over it with this 'Oh, dear, Mr Trump has been found misstating his weight.'
To put it into context...

W and Cheney lied about WMDs and Saddam's connection to 9-11 and Al-Qaeda. They even got Gen. Colin Powell to proliferate their lie. 

What Drumpfen-dork is capable of lying about will make those war-criminals look like school-boys on a lark.

Friday, April 27, 2018


Drumpf (on the phone) "Michael, uh, Michael is in business.
He's really a businessman... and a fairly big business as I understand it. I don't know his business...but this doesn't have to do with me.
Michael is a businessman. He's got a business. He also practices law, I would say probably the big thing is his business and they're looking at something having to do with his business. I have nothing to do with his business.
I can tell you... (sniff) he's a good guy..."
(mumbled, garbled, cross-talk) "... He sometimes..."

[Faux und Freunds sofa jock]: "But isn't his business your attorney, Mr President?"

Drumpf "Well, I have many, many... just so you understand... I have many attorneys...
I have attorneys... uh, you...
Sadly, I have so many attorneys, you  wouldn't even believe it."
Michael is somebody...

[Faux und Freunds sofa jock:] "How much of your... Mr President... How much of your legal work was handled by Michael Cohen?"

Drumpf "A percentage of my legal work... a tiny, tiny little fraction... But, Michael

would represent me and represent me on some things. He represents me... like with this crazy Stormy Daniels deal he represented me. And, you know, from what I see he did absolutely nothing wrong. There were no campaign funds going into this..."

[Sofa Stoogette]: Then why is he pleading the Fifth?

Drumpf: "... which would have been a problem. Because he's got other things. He's got businesses, and from what I understand they're looking at his businesses, and I hope he's in great shape. He's got businesses and I hope he's in great shape but he's got businesses and his lawyers probably told him to do that, but I'm not involved... and I'm not in' ... And I've been told I'm not involved, (crosstalk) frankly that's what came out in the newspaper and I've been told I'm not involved... (mumble...)"

This blithering tirade morphed through several topics and ended with a shouted, maniacal rant about the 2015 $700,000 campaign contribution made to Jill McCabe, wife of Andrew McCabe, the Deputy Director of the FBI whom Drumpf/Sessions fired.

Faux und Freunds trio shined him on like the addled uncle at the Thanksgiving Dinner.

The POTUS is clearly bonkers, if I may use a technical term.

The Clown Car

So,... imagine the crew of the Titanic, if the Titanic was a nuclear-powered Love Boat captained by an illiterate cretin who knew nothing about ships or navigation and lacking all nautical skills yet under the delusion that he was frickin' Magellan and Columbus combined, drilling holes in the hull of the ship...
While tweeting...