The non-response to the pandemic by the Drumpf administration is a combination of two elements; both are sociopathic tacts.
The first is a combination of
the GOP’s prime tenets: ‘no government is the best government’ and ‘if it’s not
happening to you, then it’s of no concern’.
(e.g. Poverty? I don’t know anyone who’s poor.
Health care? I have
Climate change? My vacation
home seems to be okay.
Gun control? I’ve never been
COVID-19? I don’t know anyone
who’s sick or dead from it.)
The second is purely Drumpfian. Drumpf’s ‘race-horse’ concept of DNA, genetics and bloodline; his law-of-the-jungle, only-the-strong-survive mentality.
The GOP of Drumpf has combined the two in a senseless, lumpy stew and have come up with their laissez-faire, pseudo-policy of herd immunity’ whereby they do nothing and watch the population sicken and day.
It’s flat-earth theory applied to epidemiology.
Of course, only the ‘strong’ survive this policy. Those like the ‘chosen one’; Donald the Magnificent, Donald the Virus Slayer, Donald the Immune.
If you’re of the ‘chosen people’, - those of the proper bloodline - then you’ll survive and thrive in a the post-pandemic world. The Nation will be thusly made stronger!
Praise unto Donald the
The coronavirus has met its
match in Drumpf and has been bested.
“I feel so strong!”, he crows
from the stage to his adoring followers.
“I guess I’m immune!” He
admits with gratuitous piety.
'It’s all good!' runs the Party line.
Fun and games.
Pass out MAGA masks.
High-Fives all around!
Do nothing ’til you hear from
Or the ICU nurse.
This do-nothing approach might remind one of that hateful, racist, murderous pseudo-science; eugenics. It should properly be so considered; for ‘herd immunity’ and eugenics are hand-maidens of the same evil. It speaks of a superiority of one class of people over another; those who would survive COVID-19 and those who won’t (or haven’t).
“It is what it is.”
(See my previous post of Wednesday, July 22, 2020
‘Ineptitude as Racism’
Herd immunity has become the de facto policy of the Drumpf administration regarding the pandemic. Sacrifice the old, the sick and the weak so that the ‘strong’ will attain further strength.
They’ve done a cost/benefit analysis, the GOP and Donald the Immune. They conclude that subtracting the poor, the black, the brown, the elderly from the population, those of stronger nature, of stronger fiscal condition will come out ahead in the end.
Make way for the Uber-Mensch. He takes large steps.
In Florida, a MAGA-gramma renounced her right to life by stating that she didn’t care if ‘the COVID’ took her. She beamed as she said it. She would be a vestal grandmother striding proudly to the sacrificial altar in the IC unit.
“It’s the will of ‘god’”, you could almost hear her say.
Or is it the perfidy of Donald the Magnificent?