Thursday, February 18, 2021

Snake Oil from the Anti-Vaxxers


24% of recently Americans polled say the they will NOT take a vaccine for COVID-19.

According to a Monmouth University poll, one in four Americans “say they will avoid getting the vaccine at all if they can help it.”

WTF- over?

This preposterous posture of ignorance and disregard for their own health and the general health of the nation is the result of the enduring campaign by anti-vaxxers and anti-science proponents.

There are folks who have prospered with a cyber-based cottage industry of anti-science insanity. These people (Ty and Charlene Bollinger among them) are hawking flimflam. They are swindlers of the oldest sort; they are snake-oil salesmen and the huskers for snake-oil sales. They are kooks devoid of medical certificates, degrees, authority, warrant or authenticity.

Yet, they hold a substantial number of Americans in their sway.

One must ask; How is this possible? The answer to that innocent question will fill volumes in the years to come as historians and journalists attempt to decipher the madness of the Trump years. There is not space or time or inclination to explore this dispiriting phenomena here.

Make no mistake, though. This dismissal of science is madness. It is a stark departure from sanity and reality.

However, the Bollingers (mentioned earlier) should not be branded as insane or included in the number of the deluded. Not at all. They are clear-eyed cons working a grift. They are making money hand over fist by hawking their snake oil and proselytizing others to embrace their anti-vaxxer nonsense.

Perhaps that is the most disturbing aspect of this social-media induced madness; that it is a crass, crude grift which naïve, uninformed people are taking as sincere concern for matters of personal health.


Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Not A Political Piece


This is not a political piece, per se. It’s not specifically about a political personage or about political process. It is about science. As written before, here, at the Palmer Report, science and the Biden attention to scientists will, if not hamstrung by political crab-walking, supply the solution to the many crises facing humankind.

Far too many have been made ignorant of science by cult-like thinking and theocratic propaganda. The MAGA-cult, QAnon, intelligent design quacks, flat-earthers, anti-maskers, etc, each in their own peculiar way, have caused the dumbing-down of the United States. Pandemic Deniers fit squarely within that bizarre panoply of anti-science and ignorance.

(Our last president, a dysfunctional toad of a man, was an amalgam of the collective ignorance and prejudicial superstition represented, in part, by the aforementioned cults of anti-science.)

I digress…

If this article were a Venn diagram, the reader would see a considerable amount of over-lap displayed therein.

One area of duplication that would be evident in such a diagram is between the deniers of the pandemic (which would include ‘anti-maskers’) and those espousing the ‘intelligent design’ and deny the veracity of evolution. 

To much dismay, COVID-19 has morphed into at least two new variants. This morphing is also known as mutation. The process of mutation is also termed ‘evolution’. The virus is evolving; it continues to evolves just as our species and all species continue to evolve. (Homo sapiens sapiens evolves far more slowly than any strain of virus, of course. We’re far more complicated.) 

Thus, we have evidence of evolution before us. The new variants of C-19 are more readily transmissible, possibly more deadly to certain segments of the population which casts the efficacy of the current generation of vaccines in some doubt.

Sunday, February 7, 2021

In-Quiring Minds



 It really raises lots of Questions. (See what I did there?) 

 It’s not so much intriguing as it is perplexing to those of us on the outside. 

Although the MMS and the lib-tard talking heads like to call the QAnon followers stupid and ignorant, they must be, on the contrary, quite bright and studious. I mean my head fairly reels trying to keep track of all the conspiracies. 

For example; a pedophile ring headquartered in the basement of a pizza parlor that has no basement. Really astounding! (Is there a star-gate or something to a Satanic universe involved?) 

Or the idea that a guy, JFK, Jr, was murdered in a plane crash by the Clintons but is still alive and working for Q? Is there a handbook or something which settles some of these basics? A sort of ‘Q for Dummies’, or something? 

To be honest, watching YouTube videos and trolling 4-channel isn’t really my thing. Perhaps it is a case of my being of an earlier generation which read books. My brain is woefully addicted to facts, sad to say. I get off on reading foot-notes and perusing indexes, glossaries, lists of dramatis personae, so a hand-book would be right up my alley. It could be in a proprietary cypher, of course, like the writings of Nostradamus. 

 Just an idea – I’m spit-balling. 

Another question niggling at my lib-tard brain is one that is a bit more... pedestrian. I hesitate to ask as it is rather crass, but here goes:

I was delighted to see that Q-Anon (Am I saying that correctly? I’d hate to make a faux pas like Qevin McCarthy did the other day on camera…) 

Anyway, Q-followers have meetings. How delightful! The camaraderie and sense of community was clearly in evidence. I particularly liked the guitar sing-along towards the end of the meeting. 

‘Where we Go One, We Go All! 


Brilliant! Very stirring! 

That leads me (at last) to my crass question:
When you all go out for lunch, how do you split the check? Is it all ‘even-steven’ or strictly ‘dutch’? Or is the bill picked up by Q? Maybe special Q credit cards? 

 I ask because when BLM or Antifa or #metoo meet, George Soros picks up the tab, as you know. That takes a bit of the bother out of planning Marxist anarchy, you see, although I do envy your sing-alongs. 

 In-Quiring minds want to know!

Tuesday, January 26, 2021

It's Gone But Not Forgotten


Consider this: Trump never expected that he wouldn’t be able to corrupt more people in the government. 

He expected to work, as he had all his life, with crooks and people he could corrupt. It didn’t quite go as he’d liked. He got the boot from more than 80,000,000. 

There were those who were corruptible, of course. He found plenty of willing minions. Bill Barr is but one in a very long list of despicable agents of and accomplices to Trump’s criminality. Thankfully, however, there were those he encountered who did not succumb to the his corrupting influence. In addition, Barr chose to reject Trump’s fantasy about the election and resigned limp-wrested protest, so even the corruptible Bill Barr had limits. 

In Georgia, neither the Governor, nor the Secretary of State nor the Election officials would  be lured into illegal waters in order to ‘find more votes’ to flip the presidential election. They had suppressed the vote and had striven to disenfranchise millions within the state of Georgia, in this and previous elections (ask Stacy Abrams, ahem...) but they would not cross that line of legality for 'the Donald'. Their lapses in democratic zeal to serve their white, male privilege was one thing; a failure of ethics. Breaking the law to serve the psychotic ego of the President was something completely other. Indeed, they went so far as to record an incriminating phone call from Trump to protect themselves from his corrupting influence. 

Moreover, of the judges which Mitch had railroaded onto the benches - Gorsuch, Kavanaugh and Comy-Barrett are but three of the two hundred and forty-five judicial appointments by the Orange Turdling - none, NONE!, would bend to Trump’s will and rule in favor of any of his law suits regarding the 2020 election.

He whinged and pouted openly about how ‘his’ Supreme Court refused to rule in his favor. 

His MAGA-crew and the more ammosexual Vanilla ISIS variants such as the ‘Proud Boys’(snigger) and the ‘Oath Keepers’ (gack) were willing to toss morality and legality to the wind by assaulting the Capitol, threatening Congress members and even the Veep, himself during the insurrection; Trump’s imbecilic end game but they achieved only their own arrest and temporary toilet in which to deposit their more erudite offerings.

Imagine the calamity if some of the less corruptible (e.g. Kelly, McMasters, Priebus, Rex, etc) had been more corruptible.

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Drumpf's Plandemic?


Has it occurred to anyone else that the GOP plan to address poverty is to eliminate the poor by attrition? The pandemic has provided them the opportunity to accelerate the pace. 


COVID-19 has a higher morbidity rate amongst people of color. This indicated that the poor are at higher risk generally because of several factors: living in closer quarters with more people, less access to health care, working low-paying jobs in the service industry resulting in contact with more people and a higher chance of infection. Moreover, low-paying jobs are also less secure, less stable, provide no paid days off, no sick leave health insurance, no unemployment insurance and no PPE. 

The GOP has stood in obstruction of any sensible economic program presented by the Democrats. The GOP reluctantly passed feeble, short-term aid. Mitch has fulfilled his self-pronounced role as Grim Reaper, letting all legislation die on his desk. Those moribund bills include the House proposal, the Heroes Act - passed in May! - for a second economic aid package which would and provide some solutions to the current economic and health crises.

Yet, Mitch and the GOP chose to railroad through an unwanted, unqualified nomination to the Supreme Court rather than deal with the Democrats faithfully. Drumpf stood on the side-lines, incapable of leadership or unwilling to lead and did nothing as the executive officer but whinge about his ratings.

Taken together, I conclude that the neither the GOP nor the president wish to solve the problems facing Americans. It’s the old ‘sink-or-swim’ mentality embraced by the GOP. 


Poverty is a personal failure in their decrepit credo. In their world, one is poor because one does not strive. One is poor because of a character flaw. The poor are poor because they lack the desire to succeed, as Drump’s son-in-law, Jared the mannequin, has proclaimed. Utter nonsense - as anyone who has ever been poor will attest.

These are dark thoughts, true, but ones that fits the facts and fits the history of the GOP and the Orange Ogre-in-chief. In their fascist, racist minds, the Poor are a blight and the pandemic provides a means to eliminate the problem of poverty by eliminating the poor.

Thursday, October 15, 2020

Herd Immunity and Eugenics


The non-response to the pandemic by the Drumpf administration is a combination of two elements; both are sociopathic tacts.

The first is a combination of the GOP’s prime tenets: ‘no government is the best government’ and ‘if it’s not happening to you, then it’s of no concern’. 
Poverty? I don’t know anyone who’s poor.
Health care? I have insurance.

Climate change? My vacation home seems to be okay.
Gun control? I’ve never been shot.

COVID-19? I don’t know anyone who’s sick or dead from it.)

The second is purely Drumpfian. Drumpf’s ‘race-horse’ concept of DNA, genetics and bloodline; his law-of-the-jungle, only-the-strong-survive mentality.

The GOP of Drumpf has combined the two in a senseless, lumpy stew and have come up with their laissez-faire, pseudo-policy of herd immunity’ whereby they do nothing and watch the population sicken and day.

It’s flat-earth theory applied to epidemiology.

Of course, only the ‘strong’ survive this policy. Those like the ‘chosen one’; Donald the Magnificent, Donald the Virus Slayer, Donald the Immune.

If you’re of the ‘chosen people’, - those of the proper bloodline - then you’ll survive and thrive in a the post-pandemic world. The Nation will be thusly made stronger!

Praise unto Donald the Magnificent!
The coronavirus has met its match in Drumpf and has been bested.

“I feel so strong!”, he crows from the stage to his adoring followers.
“I guess I’m immune!” He admits with gratuitous piety.

'It’s all good!' runs the Party line.
Fun and games.
Pass out MAGA masks.
High-Fives all around!
Do nothing ’til you hear from me.

Or the ICU nurse. 

This do-nothing approach might remind one of that hateful, racist, murderous pseudo-science; eugenics. It should properly be so considered; for ‘herd immunity’ and eugenics are hand-maidens of the same evil. It speaks of a superiority of one class of people over another; those who would survive COVID-19 and those who won’t (or haven’t).

 “It is what it is.”

(See my previous post of Wednesday, July 22, 2020 ‘Ineptitude as Racism’

Herd immunity has become the de facto policy of the Drumpf administration regarding the pandemic. Sacrifice the old, the sick and the weak so that the ‘strong’ will attain further strength.

They’ve done a cost/benefit analysis, the GOP and Donald the Immune. They conclude that subtracting the poor, the black, the brown, the elderly from the population, those of stronger nature, of stronger fiscal condition will come out ahead in the end.

Make way for the Uber-Mensch. He takes large steps.

In Florida, a MAGA-gramma renounced her right to life by stating that she didn’t care if ‘the COVID’ took her. She beamed as she said it. She would be a vestal grandmother striding proudly to the sacrificial altar in the IC unit.

“It’s the will of ‘god’”, you could almost hear her say.

Or is it the perfidy of Donald the Magnificent?

Saturday, October 3, 2020

An obit for the Orange One, Chosen by ‘god’. ®


It’s customary for journalistic publications to have obits ready just in case. Drumpf is in Walter Reed undergoing experimental ‘compassionate’ treatment. Considering that Drumpf is, perhaps, the least compassionate person ever to hold the office of POTUS, that’s ironic enough but the juice of irony flows freely in this administration (sic). 

The Donald is gone from us. (cue the keeners)

Drumpf was the kind of arsehole that other arseholes would point to and say,  under their breaths, ‘There goes a real arsehole.

Drumpf never should have been anywhere near the White House or the Oval Office except as a child on a public tour. He may just have learned something about the government, if he’d had taken the tour. Alas! Drumpf was just a child-sized, miniature version of the arsehole that he’d become later when more than he disregarded the deaths of more than 200,000 Americans as a Democratic, far-left hoax.

 It takes a real arsehole to gin up the bluster to pooh-pooh the deaths of nearly a quarter of a million people. Drumpf was just that kind of arsehole.

“Nobody gets it.”he was heard to say.

(Lost a loved one to C-19?
Buck up loser; the Dow is doing great and the NASDAQ is setting record highs. That should cheer the funeral a bit.)

A-hem (n.b. This is meant as an obituary for the Drumpfian One – asides aside.)

At first, there was wide-spread skepticism on social media about whether or not he actually had contracted the virus. Taking the word of a pathological liar is a lesson which should be quickly learned but wasn’t by many in the mass media. 

Was a trip to Walter Reed for treatment a moment to lament or a moment for cynicism?

If he dies, we’ll have an unequivocal answer.

As this is an obit-in-advance, we’ll assume that he does succumb to the nasty hoax the Dems delivered from China.

Surviving the Drumpfen-putz are five variously criminal children, one complicit wife ‘from East of here' and two former co-dependents who signed pre-nuptial agreements.

Other surviving family members are scattered about trying to distance themselves from his toxic miasma and the massive debt that will bring down Deustche Bank and several Russian oligarchs.

His departure from this veil of tears has deprived us of the spectacle of his court appearances for sexual assault, tax fraud, bank fraud, negligent genocide, crimes against humanity, obstruction of justice and conspiring with a foreign government as well as his hoped-for conviction and incarceration.

May we never see his like again.